
Formal 39% SE

نبذة عن المبيد

Formal 39% SE is a broad spectrum preventative fungicide with systemic properties for control of many soilborne plant diseases. Formal 39% SE can provide control of many soilborne diseases when applied as an in-furrow application at planting. In-furrow applications will provide control of pre- or postemergence damping off and diseases that infect plants at the soil-plant interface

المواد الفعالة

Azoxystrobin 28.2% + Metalaxyl-M (Mefenoxam 10.8%

سعة العبوة    

- Decreasing treatment times and being an effective alternative to pesticide mixing. - Suitable for all farming systems and stability of the pesticide. - One treatment is enough for your crop. - Protecting the vegetative total and get rid of covered early planted crops. - Eliminating paralysis, wilt and root rots.