
High touch 15% WP

نبذة عن المبيد

High touch 15% WP is a broad weed spectrum herbicide for the post-emergence control of grasses

المواد الفعالة

Clodinafop Propargyl   

سعة العبوة    

- gives reliable control under varying climatic conditions. The grower can be sure that the product will work even under unfavorable conditions. - has an extremely broad application spectrum and a superior crop tolerance. - has a wide window of application for the effective control of advanced weeds allowing the grower more flexibility for time of application. - has no limitation for crop rotation and therefore offers greater flexibility for follow up crops - has an excellent environmental profile and fits very well into an integrated crop management program. Its half-life period in the soil is only a few days, and the potential for leaching is very low. - compatible with other pesticides allowing the grower to choose the most effective and lowest-cost partner products.